Monday, May 23, 2011

Wood Cut Art of Tanimbar

MALUKU - Located on the shores of this country, Indonesia and directly adjacent to Australia and East Timor, that's Tanimbar Islands, shortly after the plane landed in Saumlaki located on the island of Yamdena, the capital of West Southeast Maluku District covering an area Tanimbar Islands. And after a brief discussion it was decided to first visit the craft of wood carving in the village of typical Tanimbar Tambour.

18 kilo meters away from Saumlaki can be reached within 30 minutes by car. Entering the mouth of Village Tumbur in a higher position, in front of the eye will be treated to views of the Village Tumbur with sea background that really fascinating.
In this Tumbur Village, woodcarver Tanimbar typical craft can be found in almost every home. With ebony base material of the sculptor with high precision making crafts wood carving.
Most of the motives of the elders with full squat position with a bow and arrow, a boat with his soldiers, who inspired by the tribes in the Tanimbar Islands, which in antiquity, who liked to fight.
At certain moments such as when the government held a Sail Banda, Island Yamdena many tourists who stop off course also visiting the village Tumbur.
In addition to wood carvings can be found here craftsmen typical Tanimbar ikat made by loom which is still very traditional.
Without the sun was already sinking, we also rushed back to the hotel. Because tomorrow we will be sites Boat Stone and Stone Ladder from megalithic era.

Comments :

Unknown said...

I Would love to buy that wooden boat
it is lovely

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